Thursday, August 22, 2019

Erlonat 150 mg (Natco)|Anti cancer Drug|uses,side effects,price India



Erlonat 150mg tablet has active ingredient Erlotinib, used to treat non-small cell lung cancer, pancreatic cancer and other various types of cancer. Erlonat 150mg is pharmacologically categorized as tyrosine kinase inhibitor, acts on epidermal growth factor receptor. 
Erlonat 150mg tablets are prescription medicine, used only by the patients who have valid prescription
erlonat 150mg tablet
Erlonat 150mg


                           Erlonat 150mg is primarily indicated for; Non small cell lung cancer: Erlonat 150mg tablet is considered as second, maintenance or greater line treatment in NSCLC. It is used after failure of some chemotherapy regimens. Erlonat is involved in the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer patients whose cancer cells Erlonat 150mg  tablets containing epidermal growth factor receptors on their surface. Erlonat 150mg is not used in combination with platinum based compounds. In pancreatic carcinoma: In metastatic stage, Erlonat Erlonat 150mg  tablets is used in combination with gemcitabine. In this condition Erlonat is involved as first line treatment.


                            Some of the adverse effects occur while treating with Erlonat 150mg  tablets; Interstitial lung disease Renal impairmentErlonat 150mg  tablets Hepatic toxicity with liver failure Gastrointestinal perforation Bullous & exfoliative skin disorders Cerebrovascular disorders Hemolytic anemia & thrombocytopenia Hemorrhage Ocular Erlonat 150mg  tablets disorders Embryo fetal toxicity 


                         Erlonat has pharmacological effectsErlonat 150mg  tablets like anti-tumor activity, which expels its action by prohibiting the intracellular phosphorylation of tyrosine kinase related with epidermal growth factorErlonat 150mg  tablets receptor. This EGFR is occursErlonat 150mg  tablets on the surface of the tumor cells. Thus results as prohibition leads to intercede with signal transduction and lead to cell lyses.



                    The peak plasma concentration Erlonat 150mg  tablets time reaches at 4 hours after drug intake After drug intake, the oral bioavailability of Erlotinib occurs as 60%, whereas a meal increases its bioavailability to 100%. The Erlotinib 1 Erlonat 150mg  tablets solubility is dependsErlonat 150mg  tablets upon pH level. The reduction in solubility causes elevation of the Erlonat 150mg  tablets pH levels. Smoking should Erlonat 150mg  tablets be avoided during the treatment with Erlonat 150mg , causes decreasing the exposure of Erlotinib.


                  Volume of distribution Erlonat 150mg  tablets of Erlotinib is 232L Human protein binding to Erlotinib 150mg tablet is occurs as 93%.


                    The metabolism of Erlotinib isErlonat 150mg  tablets  occurs by CYP3A4


The route of elimination of ErlotinibErlonat 150mg  tablets metabolites occurs via; Feces: 83%; urine: 8% The terminal half life period of Erlotinib is 36.2 hours.

                PRODUCT DETAILS

Brand : Erlonat 
Ingredients : Erlotinib 
Strength : 150mg 
Manufactured : Natco 
Package : 30 Tablets 



                                     In NSCLC: Erlonat 150mg  tablets The recommended dosage is 150mg should be taken as a single dose by administering on an empty stomach. In pancreatic cancer: The usual dosage of Erlonat is 100mg should be taken as a Erlonat 150mg  tablets  single dose by administering on an empty stomachErlonat 150mg  tablets by combining with gemcitabine. Dose alteration: In pulmonary toxicity: Interstitial lung disease, pulmonary failure: Discontinue the Erlonat therapy In severe hepatic failure: Stop the therapy permanently 

                                    In renal impairment: Discontinue the Erlonat 150mg therapy permanently In gastrointestinal perforation and severe diarrhea: Stop the therapy In severe Bullous and exfoliative skin disorders: Erlonat 150mg  tablets Discontinue the therapy and provide supportive measures In corneal perforation, therapy should be discontinuing permanently.Erlonat 150mg  tablets Avoid concomitant use of Erlonat with Erlonat 150mg  tablets CYP3A4 strong inhibitors, CYP3A4 strong inducers, cigarette smoking, gastric regulators etc.


                                  Renal failure Erlonat 150mg  tablets Liver toxicity with failure Gastrointestinal perforations Ocular disorders HemorrhageErlonat 150mg  tablets Bullous & exfoliative skin disorders Cerebrovascular disorders Hemolytic anemia & thrombocytopenia

                                  Rash Diarrhea Erlonat 150mg  tablets Cough Dyspnea Dry skin Back pain Conjunctivitis Mucosal inflammation Pruritus Paronychia Chest pain, arthralgia Musculoskeletal pain Myopathy like rhabdomyolysis while Erlonat 150mg  tablets combining with lipid lowering drugs



                               Concomitant use of Erlonat 150mg tablet with CYP3A4 inhibitors like (boceprevir, clarithromycin, conivaptan, indinavir, itraconazole, ketaconazole, lopinavir/ritonavir, nefazodone, nelfinavir, Erlonat 150mg  tablets posaconazole, ritonavir, saquinavir, telithromycin, voriconazole, grapefruit or grapefruit juice) Erlonat 150mg  tablets causes increasing the exposure of Erlotinib. This result as increase in risk of adverse effects related to Erlonat . 


                            In combination ofErlonat 150mg  tablets Erlonat with CYP3A4Erlonat 150mg  tablets inducers like anti-convulsants, rifampin, rifampicin, st Johns wort etc causes decreasing the exposure of Erlotinib. Thus results as decrease in therapeuticErlonat 150mg  tablets effect of Erlonat .


                          Both are decreasingErlonat 150mg  tablets the exposure of Erlotinib, while concomitant with Erlonat . 


                       While concomitant Erlonat 150mg  tablets with gastric regulators like proton pump inhibitors, H2 receptors antagonist or antacids, causes depletion of Erlotinib Erlonat 150mg  tablets exposure leads to loss of therapeutic effect of Erlotinib. 


                       In combination of Erlonat 150mg  tablets Erlonat with warfarin, causes increasing international normalizedErlonat 150mg  tablets ratio & bleeding adverse reactions. To avoid this problem, monitor the prothrombin time frequently.

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